Dream Where You Want to Go, Create a Plan How to Get There
A Message from Nicolai
We are all meant to do more than work, sleep, and die. We all have unique skills and abilities. We all have our own dreams and definition of success. The problem is that we graduate college, survive those first few years, and then when we finally lift our heads up it's 20-30 years later. I have heard this same story from far too many people. If everyone warns you that life gets faster and faster the older you get, shouldn't we live intentionally and work towards our own definition of success?
Life Planning is a powerful tool. I consider myself blessed to have been introduced to it so young. One of my missions is to inspire as many people as possible to live out a life on purpose and pursuing what is important to them. Whether we work together or not, I hope you at least make a decision to happen to life and stop letting it happen to you.
- Nicolai
The Program
Learn Self Leadership Tools to Go Further Faster
Leadership and Self
What is a Leader?
Self Knowledge
Your Unique Ability
Intro to Leadership
and Self Knowledge
Vision and Goals
What is Vision
Creating a Personal Vision
Personal Vision
and Goal Setting
Time Management
Time Blocking
Work-Life Balance
Your Ideal Week
Time Management
Verbal Communication
Non-Verbal Communication
How to Connect with Anyone
Communication Skills
How to Lead When You're
Not in Charge
Lead from the Start
- Trust
- Courage
- The Why